+351 268 626 190 (Chamada para Rede Fixa Nacional)


Get discounts and many other benefits by subscribing to our service. Now and for limited time for only 35€ per year, instead of the 55€ per year that is the price outside the promotional period. The amount can be deducted from your first booking. And you still have the right to benefit from all the other advantages of the WE GO Club members Did you know that in addition to reversing the subscription amount, you can pay for your trips in installments if you have the Universo card (Sonae Group) and that you have access to direct prizes if you book quickly at the weekly happy hours? Know everything here


Welcome to the WE GO Club. Travel by subscription. Earn perks.
Please enter your details. After payment, you will automatically have your virtual customer card in your APP. This way you have access to more than 10 advantages that we have reserved for you. You can suspend your subscription at any time.

Annual subscription fee – €55. Now, in the launch period only €35. And by subscribing now, we guarantee the value for 2 years if you stay with us.

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Em cumprimento da lei nº 144/2015 informamos que para a resolução de conflitos de consumo deve ser contactada a comissão arbitral do Turismo de Portugal www.turismodeportugal.pt

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